O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

četrtek, 29. marec 2012

Prva dama Slovenije/ **Slovenian first lady

Najina prva naslovnica/ **Our first magazine cover :)

Decembra 2011 sem imela to čast, da sem svoje čopiče lahko vrtela po obrazu naše prve dame, gospe Barbare Miklič Turk. Še vedno, pred vsakim ličenjem čutim vznemirjenje in povečano izločanje adrenalina. Tokrat sem se srečanja še posebej veselila, a hkrati bila na trnjih, ker si nisem predstavljala kako bo potekalo vse skupaj.
Izkazalo se je, da se je celotna ekipa ob čajanki sprostila in umirila, ter je delo potekalo res gladko. Tudi gospa je bila zelo prijazna in me večkrat nasmejala s svojimi prigodami in anekdotami. Moram priznati, da bi jo z veseljem še kdaj uredila.

** In December 2011, I had the honor to spin my brushes for our First Lady, Mrs Barbara Miklic Turk. Still, before any make-up, I feel the excitement and increased secretion of adrenaline. This time, I was especially looking forward to meet her....but still, I was nervous because I didn’ t know how everything will go.... It turned out, that the entire team relaxed at the tea party and all the work went really smoothly. Even the First lady was very friendly and she made me laugh with her adventures and anecdotes. 
I must admit, I would be glad to do all the make-up for her again.

Foto/ **Photo: Iztok Dimc
MUA: Face it!

Objavljeno v reviji Obrazi/ **Published in Slovenian weekly magazine "Obrazi"; 19.1.2012

Uživajte na sončku/ **Have fun in the sun :)

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