O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

nedelja, 9. oktober 2011

Smokey eyes

Nekateri mu rečejo "mala črna obleka" v ličenju, najverjetneje zato ker je primeren za skoraj vsako priložnost, zahvaljujoč svoji prilagodljivosti v barvi in obliki, vendar je črni mačji smokey še vedno najbolj priljubljen.

Poudarek je na očeh, zato ga navadno kombiniramo z nevtralno barvo ustnic, saj se pravilo št.1 v ličenju glasi: nikoli ne poudarjajte oči in ustnic istočasno. A pravila so zato da se jih krši, zato včasih dodamo rdeče ustnice in s tem dosežemo super seksi videz.

Takšen make up nosijo ženske, ki želijo izstopati, saj je zelo trenden (že nekaj desetletij), glamurozen in zapeljiv, zato ga nosite samozavestno in zavestno!

**Some people call it "the little black dress" of make up, probably because it is appropriate for almost every occasion, thanks to its' adjustablity in colour and shape, though black cat-eyes-shaped smokey is the most popular.

It brings out the eyes, so it usualy comes with neutral lips, according to the make up rule No.1: never wear bald make up on the lips and the eyes at the same time. But the rules are ment to be broken, so we sometimes add red lips for extra sexy look.

This make up is worn by women who wants to stand out, because it is very trendy (for a few decades now), glamorous and seductive, so wear it with confidence and consciously.

Kim Kardashian
Obe najprej pomisliva najno ko je govora o smokey eyes.
**We both first think of her when smokey eyes is mentioned.

Izpod najinih prstkov pa izgleda takole:
**And this is what our little fingers can do:

Oblačila/Clothing:Katja Magister, Klementina Kranvogel, Ana Jelinic
Foto: Dušan Smolnikar
Model: Ines Dragišič

Ličenje/Make Up Artist: Face it!
Frizura/Hair: Maruša Magister

Ličenje/ MUA: Face it!
Foto: Fotovideostoritve.com

Reklama za T2
Foto: Izidor Farič
Modeli/Models: Sandra, Iryna, Karin, Tjaša
Ličenje/Make Up Artist: Saša Godejša
Asistent ličenja/MUA assistent: Face it!

Ličenje/Make Up Artist: Face it!

Pa še nekaj cukrčkov:
**Some bonus delights:


Girls just wanna have fun...
Petra & Sabina

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